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How a Criminal Record Affects Your Bail Bond in Durham

The legal system can be tricky, especially when it comes to bail bonds. If you’re in Durham, knowing how a criminal record affects your bail bond eligibility is key. This will help you understand the process, the impact of a criminal history and how JC Bail Bonds can help you in tough times.

Bail Bonds

Imagine this: You’re sitting in a cold cell in Durham waiting for your bail hearing. You’re scared, nervous and wondering if you’ll be out of jail before your trial. This is the reality for many and a bail bond can make all the difference. A bail bond is a financial guarantee that allows someone to get out of jail while waiting for their court date. But getting a bail bond isn’t always easy especially if you have a criminal record.

What is a Bail Bond?

A bail bond is a contract between the defendant, the bail bondsman and the court. The defendant agrees to appear at all court dates and the bail bondsman pays the full bail amount if the defendant doesn’t show up. Without a bond individuals may have to sit in jail for days, weeks or even months until their trial.

The Bail Process in Durham

The bail process in bondsman Durham is like anywhere else in the country but there may be specific rules based on state and local laws. When someone is arrested a judge sets the bail amount. This can vary depending on the crime, the individual’s history and other factors such as community ties and flight risk.

For many the bail amount set by the court is too high to pay out of pocket. This is where a bail bond service comes in. By paying 10% of the bail to a bail bondsman you can get out.

The Impact of a Criminal Record on Bail Bond Eligibility

Having a criminal record can make it harder to get a bail bond. Here’s how:

Higher Bail for Repeat Offenders

If you’ve been convicted of crimes in the past a judge may set a higher bail. This is especially true for those with violent crimes or a history of not showing up to court. A criminal record makes you a higher risk in the eyes of the court and that risk is reflected in the bail amount. If your bail is set too high even paying the standard 10% to a bail bondsman may be out of reach for many.

No Bail

Sometimes a judge will deny bail altogether. This is usually for people with a long criminal history or charged with very serious crimes. Repeat offenders especially those with a history of violence are considered a flight risk. The court’s main concern is will you show up for your court date and a criminal record may indicate you won’t.

Stricter Bail Conditions

Even if you get bail with a criminal record the court may impose stricter conditions. For example you may have to wear a GPS tracker, have a strict curfew or check in with a probation officer. Violate any of these conditions and your bail will be revoked and you’ll be back in jail.

How JC Bail Bonds Can Help You

The bail bond process can be complicated enough without a criminal record. That’s where JC Bail Bonds comes in to help. We believe everyone deserves a second chance and we’ll help you get the best bail bond service.

At JC Bail Bonds we work with our clients to make sure they understand the bail process and can get released as quickly as possible. Whether it’s explaining the legalese or guiding you through the paperwork we’re here every step of the way. We focus on providing top notch service for Bail Bonds Durham so our clients are ready and supported.

Having trouble getting bail because of a criminal record? Don’t worry. JC Bail Bonds has been in this situation before. We specialize in Find the Best BailBonds Services at JC Bail Bonds so you understand the terms of your bail and can meet them.

Steps to Take If You Have a Criminal Record

Be Honest with Your Bail Bondsman: When working with a bail bond agent be honest about your criminal history. This will allow them to customize their services to your situation and give you guidance on what to do next.

  • Expect Higher Bail: If you have a criminal record you should expect a higher bail. Work with your bail bondsman to see all your options including payment plans or using collateral.
  • Follow Court Conditions: Once you’re out on bail make sure to follow all the court’s conditions. This could be regular check ins, attending all court dates and abiding by any curfews. Fail to meet these conditions and you’ll be back in jail.

Call JC Bail Bonds: If you have questions about bail call or contact JC Bail Bonds. We can help.

Bail for Felony Charges

Felony charges make the bail process more complicated. Misdemeanor charges may have lower bail amounts but felony charges have higher bail and stricter conditions. Repeat felony offenders may be denied bail altogether. If you’re facing felony charges in Durham, working with a experienced bail bondsman like us at JC Bail Bonds can make all the difference.

The Role of a Bail Bondsman in Felony Cases

In felony cases securing a bail bond can be more difficult but not impossible. JC Bail Bonds can help even in the toughest cases, we work closely with the court system to get the best possible outcome for our clients.

Bail Bonds for Violent Offenders

For violent offenders the court may impose strict bail conditions or deny bail. But JC Bail Bonds has experience with high risk clients and can help navigate the legal system to get you released even in tough situations.

Frequently Asked Questions About Bail Bonds and Criminal Records

Can I get a bail bond with a criminal record?

Yes, but it may be harder. Your bail amount may be higher and the court may impose stricter conditions on your release. But working with a trusted bail bondsman like JC Bail Bonds can increase your chances of getting bail.

How does a criminal record affect my bail?

Your criminal record is a big factor in your bail bond eligibility. A history of violent crimes or failing to appear in court may mean higher bail or no bail at all.

What if I can’t afford my bail?

If you can’t afford your bail call JC Bail Bonds. We have flexible payment plans and can help you get out.


Having a criminal record may complicate the bail bond process but it doesn’t mean you can’t get bail. With the right guidance and support you can still get out. Services like JC Bail Bonds are here to help, for Bail Bonds Durham.

If you or someone you know is dealing with bail bonds and a criminal record, call us now. JC Bail Bonds can help you find a solution for your situation. Will you be ready when you need a bail bond?

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